Tuesday 9 July 2013

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The Happiness Factor among Doctors

Here are some simple steps that you can take to improve yourself:

1. Accept mistakes

As humans, we tend to make mistakes.

The most important thing is not to beat yourself up for any mistakes made, but rather to learn from them and not repeat them in the future.

It is best to learn to accept your mistakes. Don’t blame yourself when you realize that you did something wrong. Accept it fully and if you need to apologize, do it.

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. The wrong thing is to blame yourself or others and let that mistake put a dark spot in your mind. Don’t let this happen to you.

2. Build self discipline

An undisciplined life is bound to fail one day. An important part of being able to succeed in life is having a certain degree on self discipline.

I understand that not everyone agrees on the importance of self discipline. Personally

I find self discipline have a great impact when it comes to chores or responsibilities that you don’t like to do but you need to do in order to stay healthy, fit or be successful.

For example, I don’t like doing physical exercises.

I would rather sit on the couch and read a book or watch a movie. But I knew that I need to maintain some form of exercise every day to stay fit and healthy. In this case, I use self discipline to make myself do it.

3. Maintain a positive attitude:

Make sure you are positive and optimistic every single day. What is the point of being negative or pessimistic about things when you cannot help the matter with negativity?

Yes, you can have worries once in a while (I do) but don’t let it linger too much. Instead focus on what kind of solutions you have on hand to solve the problem. Spend 1 % on the problem and the other 99% on the solution.

Tip: The first moment in the morning is extremely important in dictating how you are going to feel during the day. So when you wake up, be grateful for all the things you have and it will boost your optimism throughout the day.

4. Forgive others and move on:

One of the best ways to improve yourself is to learn how to forgive yourself and others.

If you live with pent-up emotions in your heart, you are going to hurt yourself physically and emotionally.

Forgive anybody that has hurt you and don’t keep a grudge in your heart. Grudges are heavy emotional baggage for the heart to carry.

What is the use of holding onto garbage or baggage that you don’t need? You don’t need grudges to make you happy or successful. It is happiness, love and being fulfilled that is going to make you happy, right?

So don’t bother holding onto grudges. If you love yourself, you will not do any harm to it and grudges can do a lot of harm to you in silence.

The less time you spend hating such people, the more time you will have to love yourself and those who love you. Your time is very valuable so spend it on things you value and love  .

Tip: Just how you need to take out the garbage frequently to maintain a clean home, you should do frequent cleaning of any mental or emotional garbage to keep yourself happy and fulfilled. Mental and emotional garbage are grudges, hate, envy, jealousy, anger, sadness, self pity, and all the negative emotions we keep inside ourselves.

Create a mental picture of you throwing all these stuff into a garbage can and let it be taken away by the garbage truck.

5. Express gratitude:

Be grateful for everything you do and have. It is good to strive for more things in life such as a career promotion, or material wealth but in the mean time be also grateful for things you’ve already possessed.

The very fact that we have a computer to use, have food on the table, a nice house in a nice neighborhood, a bed to sleep on, the ability to read and write, and countless others is a great blessing.

We might take them for granted because we get used to them but a lot of people in other parts of the world doesn’t even have basic clean water and food.

Being thankful for the things you have is instrumental in your attitude and thought: you will be more positive and optimistic while you appreciate more the things around you.

In turn your appreciation will attract more of the good things back into your life.

Essentially it is like a circle that whatever energy or intentions you give out, it will come back in one form or another.

6. Keep learning:

There is no end to learning in this world. Spare some time for learning something new every single day. You will end up honing your knowledge and make yourself even more valuable and knowledgeable.

Moreover, you never know when your situation will force you to use that knowledge sometime in the future in your career. Also learning keep your mind sharp and improve your thinking, knowledge base and skill set.

7. Smile every day:

Make it a habit to smile at least 20 times a day. It uses lesser muscles to smile than to frown.

Let smile be your close buddy whenever you go and don’t let others or situations take away your smile.

Every smile is a beautiful and unique sight (Have you ever seen two people with the exact same smile? )  so treasure your own.

8. Burn old memories:

It is better to forget those memories that keep hurting you.

Remaining attached to the past may prove to be a stumbling block in your progress. Get rid of the memories that don’t bring a smile on your face.

Don’t let the past haunt you and dictate you what to do in the future. Move on to newer and greener pastures and not let the pain and hurt from the past prevent you from moving on.

Many times it is holding onto our past hurt and pain  that prevents us from moving forward.

Maybe it is your ex who has hurt you and you cannot move to a new relationship.

Why give so much power to others? By holding onto those hurts done to you from others, you are giving them the power to influence you. Don’t.

Let go and be your own captain in life and not to be bothered what has happened in the past.

You cannot change the past but you can change the present and consequently the future. Focus on the things you can control.

9. Meditate daily:

One of the best ways to improve yourself is to start meditating daily.

Meditation is a great healer and bringer of clarity to our mind.  Meditating daily will connect you to your inner self and open up a whole new world of possibilities.

It increase your intuition, it deepens your own understanding of yourself and it makes you more aware of things, people and situations around you.

Try it and you will see what benefits meditation can bring you.

And start easy: do 5 minutes every day, then extend the time as you get more and more comfortable doing meditation. Having some quiet background music will help in the beginning.